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Wednesday 14 June 2023

Cascading Muxes for Larger Multiplexing: 4x1MUX, 8x1 MUX

Cascading Muxes for Larger Multiplexing: FPGA 

Introduction to Cascading Muxes for Larger Multiplexing

Multiplexers (Muxes) are fundamental digital components used to select one out of multiple input signals based on control signals. When dealing with larger multiplexing requirements, cascading multiple smaller Muxes can be an effective approach. This technique allows us to build larger Muxes with a higher number of inputs.

Cascading Muxes involves connecting the output of one Mux to the input of another Mux, effectively creating a hierarchical structure. Each stage of Muxes reduces the selection size by half, leading to a significant reduction in the number of required control signals.

To illustrate this concept, consider an 8x1 Mux, which selects one out of eight input signals. By cascading two 4x1 Muxes, we can create an 8x1 Mux. The first stage Mux selects between four input signals, and the second stage Mux selects between the outputs of the first stage Mux.

This cascading technique can be extended to create larger Muxes by adding more stages, each with smaller Muxes. The final output is obtained by selecting the appropriate signals based on the control signals at each stage.

Implementing cascading Muxes can be achieved using hardware description languages such as Verilog or VHDL. By properly designing and connecting the inputs, outputs, and control signals, the cascaded Muxes can be synthesized and implemented on an FPGA board.

Cascading Muxes offers a scalable and efficient solution for handling larger multiplexing requirements in digital logic designs. It provides flexibility and modularity by leveraging smaller Muxes to create larger ones, reducing the complexity and improving the overall efficiency of the design.

In the next section, we will explore a sample Verilog code that demonstrates the implementation of an 8x1 Mux using two cascaded 4x1 Muxes.

Example of Verilog code for cascading 4x1 multiplexers to create a larger multiplexer, such as an 8x1 Mux:

Verilog Code:

module CascadedMux(

  input wire [2:0] select,

  input wire [7:0] data,

  output wire out


wire [3:0] mux1_out;

wire [3:0] mux2_out;

wire [1:0] select_mux2;

assign select_mux2 = select[1:0];

mux4to1 mux1(


  .data({data[7], data[6], data[5], data[4]}),



mux4to1 mux2(


  .data({data[3], data[2], data[1], data[0]}),



mux2to1 mux3(


  .data({mux2_out[3], mux2_out[2]}),




module mux4to1(

  input wire select,

  input wire [3:0] data,

  output wire out


assign out = select ? data[3] : 

             select ? data[2] :

             select ? data[1] :



module mux2to1(

  input wire select,

  input wire [1:0] data,

  output wire out


assign out = select ? data[1] : data[0];


Explanation of the Code:

1. The `CascadedMux` module takes a 3-bit `select` signal and an 8-bit `data` input and provides a single-bit `out` output.

2. The `mux4to1` module is defined to implement a 4x1 multiplexer. It takes a `select` signal and a 4-bit `data` input, and provides a single-bit `out` output based on the select signal.

3. The `mux2to1` module is defined to implement a 2x1 multiplexer. It takes a `select` signal and a 2-bit `data` input, and provides a single-bit `out` output based on the select signal.

4. In the `CascadedMux` module, two instances of `mux4to1` are instantiated to implement the first and second stages of the cascaded multiplexer.

5. The `mux2to1` module is instantiated to implement the final stage of the cascaded multiplexer.

6. The `select` signal is appropriately split to select the desired data inputs for each stage, and the final output is assigned to the `out` signal.

Please note that this code assumes the availability of `mux4to1` and `mux2to1` modules. You can replace these modules with your own implementation or use built-in modules provided by the FPGA board's library.

Feel free to modify the code according to your specific requirements and make any necessary connections to the FPGA board.

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