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Wednesday 14 June 2023

Verilog Code : Blinking LEDs for a car’s turn signals

Example of Verilog code that can be used to implement blinking LEDs for a car's turn signals on an FPGA board:

Verillog Code:

module TurnSignals(

  input wire clk,

  input wire reset,

  output wire left_led,

  output wire right_led


reg [23:0] counter;

reg left_state, right_state;

// Blinking frequency control parameters

parameter BLINK_DELAY = 24'd500000;  // Adjust this value to control blink speed

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin

  if (reset) begin

    counter <= 0;

    left_state <= 0;

    right_state <= 0;

  end else begin

    counter <= counter + 1;

    if (counter >= BLINK_DELAY) begin

      counter <= 0;

      left_state <= ~left_state;

      right_state <= ~right_state;




assign left_led = left_state;

assign right_led = right_state;


Explanation of the Code:

1. The module `TurnSignals` takes inputs `clk` and `reset` for clock and reset signals, respectively. It has two output wires `left_led` and `right_led` for the left and right turn signal LEDs.

2. The `counter` is a 24-bit register used to keep track of time and control the blinking frequency.

3. `left_state` and `right_state` are registers that store the current state of the left and right turn signal LEDs (on or off).

4. The `BLINK_DELAY` parameter determines the blinking speed. Adjust the value of `BLINK_DELAY` to control the blink speed. Higher values result in slower blinking.

5. The `always` block increments the `counter` on every positive clock edge, except when the reset signal is active. When the `counter` reaches or exceeds `BLINK_DELAY`, it resets the counter and toggles the `left_state` and `right_state` to create the blinking effect.

6. The `assign` statements assign the values of `left_state` and `right_state` to `left_led` and `right_led`, respectively, to control the turn signal LEDs.

Remember to connect the appropriate LEDs to the FPGA board pins assigned to `left_led` and `right_led` outputs.

Feel free to adjust the `BLINK_DELAY` value to achieve the desired blinking frequency.

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