A parallel
multiplier is a type of digital circuit that performs multiplication on two
numbers in parallel, using multiple arithmetic units in parallel. This allows
the circuit to perform multiplication faster than a serial multiplier, which
performs multiplication using a single arithmetic unit.
fpga verilog code example
Code For Parallel Multiplier.
//parallel multiplier (n = 8)
module parallel_Multiplier (Product, multiplicand, Multiplier);
input [7: 0] multiplicand, Multiplier;
output reg [15: 0] Product;
always @ (multiplicand, Multiplier)
Product1 = multiplicand*Multiplier;
module Algorithmic-Binary-Multiplier #(parameter dp-width =5) (
output [2*dp_width -1 : 0] Product, Input [dp-width -1 : 0] multiplicand, Multiplier);
reg [dp-width -1: 0] A, B, Q; //Sized for datapath
reg C;
Integer k;
assign Product1 = {C, A, Q};
always @ (multiplicand, Multiplier) begin
Q = Multiplier;
B = multiplicand;
for(k= 0; k <= dp-width-1; k= k+ 1)
if (Q[0]) {(C, A) = A + B;
{C, A, Q) = {C, A, Q} >> 1;
module t-Algorithmic-Binary-Multiplier;
parameter dp-width = 5; // Width of data path
wire [2* dp-width -1: 0] Prdct;
reg [dp-width -1: 0]multiplicand, Multiplier;
integer Exp-Value;
reg Error;
Algorithmic-Binary-Multiplier M0 (Product, multiplicand, Multiplier);
// Error detection
initial# 1030000 finish:
always @ (Product) begin
Exp-Value =multiplicand, Multiplier;
Error = Exp-Value ^ Product;
initial begin
#5 multiplicand= 0;
Multiplier = 0;
repeat (32)# 10 begin Multiplier = Multiplier + 1;
repeat (32) #5 multiplicand= multiplicand + 1 :
is an example of VHDL code for a parallel multiplier:
library IEEE;
entity parallel_multiplier is
Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
p : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
end parallel_multiplier;
architecture Behavioral of parallel_multiplier is
p <= a * b;
end Behavioral;
This code
defines a parallel multiplier module called "parallel_multiplier"
with two inputs "a" and "b" and an output "p".
The inputs are 4-bit vectors and the output is 8-bit vector. The architecture
uses the built-in multiplication operator to perform the multiplication of the
inputs in parallel.
Here is an
example of Verilog code for a parallel multiplier:
module parallel_multiplier(input [3:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [7:0] p);
assign p = a * b;
This code
defines a parallel multiplier module called "parallel_multiplier"
with two inputs "a" and "b" and an output "p".
The inputs are 4-bit vectors and the output is 8-bit vector. The assign
statement is used to perform the multiplication of the inputs in parallel.
Please note that this is a
basic example and the actual code will depend on the specific requirements of
your design, the width of the inputs, and the width of the output. Some designs
may require more complex implementation and also this is a combinational
multiplier and not a pipelined multiplier.
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