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Sunday 26 April 2020

D-Latch Verilog code:

The D-latch is a transparent and responds to a change in data input with a change in output, as long as
the enable input is high. It has one output Q and  two inputs, D and en. Since Q is evaluated in a procedural statement, it must be declared as register type. D-latch responds to input signal levels, so the two inputs are listed without edge qualifiers in the event enable expression following the @ symbol in the always statement. it has only one blocking procedural assignment statement and it also specifies the transfer of D-input to Q-output if logic 1 i.e when enable is true. This statement is executed every time when there is a change in input D if enable is  logic1.
D-Latch Gate level and truth Table.
D-Latch Graphical Symbol.
fpga verilog code example
Verilog of D latch

module D-latch (Q, 0, en); // en is enable
output Q;
Input D, en;
reg Q;
always @ (en or D)
If (en) Q <= D;   //Same as: If (enable == 1)

// Alternative syntax 
module D-latch (output reg Q, input enable, D);
always @ (enable, D)
If (enable) Q <= D;   // No action if enable not asserted

Here is an example of VHDL code for a D-latch:

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity D_latch is Port ( D : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; Q : out STD_LOGIC); end D_latch; architecture Behavioral of D_latch is begin process(clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then Q <= D; end if; end process; end Behavioral;

And here is an example of Verilog code for a D-latch:

module D_latch (input D, clk, output reg Q); always @(posedge clk) begin Q <= D; end endmodule

Both codes define a D-latch module with inputs D and clk, and an output Q. The D-latch is a level sensitive device and uses the input D as the data input, and the input clk as the enable input.

In the VHDL code, the process is sensitive to the clock input and the output Q is assigned the value of the input D when there is a rising edge on the clock input.

In the Verilog code, the always block is triggered on the rising edge of the clock input and assigns the value of the input D to the output Q.

Both codes implements the same functionality and are equivalent. Please note that this is a basic example and the actual code may depend on the specific requirements of your design.

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