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Wednesday 14 June 2023

Verilog Code: Implement a finite state machine using sequential circuit

Implementing a Finite State Machine using Sequential Circuit: FPGA Code and Explanation

Finite State Machines (FSMs) are powerful tools used in digital design to model and control systems with sequential behavior. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of FSMs and demonstrate how to implement one using sequential circuits on an FPGA board. We will provide a detailed explanation of the FPGA code required to build the FSM and discuss its applications in various fields.

Understanding Finite State Machines:

A Finite State Machine is a mathematical model that consists of a set of states, transitions, and outputs. It can be visualized as a directed graph, where each node represents a state, and the edges represent the transitions between states based on input conditions. FSMs are categorized into two types: Mealy machines and Moore machines. Mealy machines produce outputs based on both the current state and inputs, while Moore machines generate outputs solely based on the current state.

Implementing a Finite State Machine using Sequential Circuit:

To implement an FSM using sequential circuits on an FPGA board, we will use a hardware description language like Verilog or VHDL. Let's consider a simple example of a vending machine that accepts two coins: nickel (N) and dime (D), and dispenses an item when the total value reaches 15 cents.

Verilog Code:

Here's an example Verilog code to implement the finite state machine for the vending machine scenario:

module VendingMachine(

  input wire clk,

  input wire reset,

  input wire N,

  input wire D,

  output reg item_dispensed


// Define the states

typedef enum logic [2:0] {





} State;

// Define the signals

reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin

  if (reset) begin

    current_state <= IDLE;

  end else begin

    current_state <= next_state;



always @(current_state or N or D) begin

  case (current_state)

    IDLE: begin

      if (N) begin

        next_state <= NICKEL;

      end else if (D) begin

        next_state <= DIME;

      end else begin

        next_state <= IDLE;



    NICKEL: begin

      if (N) begin

        next_state <= DIME;

      end else if (D) begin

        next_state <= DISPENSE;

      end else begin

        next_state <= NICKEL;



    DIME: begin

      if (N) begin

        next_state <= DISPENSE;

      end else if (D) begin

        next_state <= DISPENSE;

      end else begin

        next_state <= DIME;



    DISPENSE: begin

      next_state <= IDLE;




always @(current_state) begin

  case (current_state)

    DISPENSE: begin

      item_dispensed <= 1;


    default: begin

      item_dispensed <= 0;





In the code above, we define a Verilog module called `VendingMachine`. It takes inputs `clk`, `reset`, `N`, and `D`, representing clock, reset, nickel, and dime signals, respectively. The output `item_dispensed` indicates whether an item should be dispensed.

Explanation of the Code:

1. We declare the states using an enumerated type.

2. The `current_state` and `next_state` registers hold the current and next states, respectively.

3. The `always` block assigns values to `current_state` based on the rising edge of the clock (`clk`) or reset signal (`reset`).

4. The `always` block handles the state transitions and assigns the next state to `next_state` based on the current state and input signals.

5. Another `always` block assigns values to the `item_dispensed` output based on the current state. When the current state is `DISPENSE`, `item_dispensed` is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.


Finite State Machines are powerful tools for modeling and controlling sequential behavior in digital systems. By implementing FSMs using sequential circuits on an FPGA board, we can design complex systems with well-defined states and transitions. In this blog post, we explored a simple example of a vending machine and provided a detailed explanation of the FPGA code required to build the FSM. The presented code can be customized and extended to meet the requirements of various applications.

Remember to consider the specific requirements and constraints of your FPGA board when implementing an FSM. FPGA vendors often provide documentation and resources to assist in the development process. Happy coding!

Note: This blog post provides a high-level explanation and code example for implementing a finite state machine using sequential circuits on an FPGA board. For detailed implementation and specific FPGA board requirements, refer to the manufacturer's documentation and resources.

Implementing a Finite State Machine using Sequential Circuit, FPGA Verilog for Finite State Machine using Sequential Circuit, verilog HDL code for vending machine, vending machine

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